Helping Adults and Children Heal from Trauma and Feel Free from Anxiety
Trauma and Anxiety Counseling in San Antonio, Texas and surrounding areas for Children, Teens, and Adults.
Schedule your counseling appointment within 1 week guaranteed.
We never have a waitlist. Ever.
Not Sure Where To Start?
Starting counseling can feel confusing and leave you with lots of questions? How does counseling work? How long will it last? Do you prescribe medications? Can you help me with my problem? Why don’t you take insurance? Can you help me with my legal issues?
Not to worry! We offer FREE, no-strings-attached, 15 minute consultation calls with one of our very own counselors to be sure you know EXACTLY what to expect from La Luz Counseling. FILL OUT A CONTACT FORM HERE TO GET STARTED. We can help you decide whether La Luz Counseling is going to be the best fit for you right now. If not, we promise never to leave you empty handed. At the end of our call together, you will either have an appointment set up with us OR a have number and name for a counselor in our community who can better fit your needs.
How La Luz Counseling is Different
While our office is in San Antonio, Texas, we offer virtual counseling sessions to anyone living in Texas. After you message us or call our office, you will hear from an actual person. We know when you call a number, you deserve to hear a person on the other side- not just a voicemail. While we do our best to answer each time you call, if you have to leave us a voicemail, we promise to call you back asap, usually within just a couple of hours.
After speaking to someone from our admin team about what you need and feeling confident about setting your first counseling appointment, you will be paired with a clinician who best fits with you! She will usually call you back by the end of the day just to double check you feel comfortable and to set you up for your first session. We can get you in for a counseling appointment within just one week! Yes, that’s right, we offer same-week appointment times with options for evenings and weekends too. There is no need to wait.
Another special thing about La Luz Counseling is we believe in Jesus here. We think he’s a pretty great guy and rely on him a ton in our practice. We believe God is Light, hence the name of the practice, La Luz Counseling- The Light in Spanish. Prayer is part of our lives and our entire team is Christian. We believe in exposing our beliefs in places like our website and especially when asked, but would NEVER impose our beliefs onto anyone- even if we all agree.
BUT, believing in Jesus is not a requirement to get you in for counseling services with us. In fact, it won’t even be something that is brought up in counseling at all unless you want it to be. Some of our counselors offer Christian counseling and some do not.
We believe spirituality is very important in the counseling process so you have the option to bring that into counseling any time you want! We add that question as part of your intake packet to be sure we are all on the same page if you want religion or spirituality as part of the framework. So if you’d like Christian principles to be applied to your counseling experience, be sure to let our office now when you call or fill out an inquiry form.
When you reach out to us for counseling services, we do our best never to leave you empty handed. Whether we can serve you here at La Luz Counseling or feel you would be a better fit with another practice, we promise to always point you in the right direction. You are just one call or message away, so don’t hesitate- we will answer. We guarantee an appointment option for you within just ONE WEEK. We never have a waitlist ever. Meaning you never have to wait, ever.
La Luz Counseling Approach
Welcome to La Luz Counseling! We work with folks who have gone through trauma and are having a hard time controlling their anxiety. Counseling can be tough to begin, but it’s kind of like working out. After some time and consistency, you start noticing a difference. Here at La Luz Counseling, we have different counselors who specilize in different things- no cookie cutter approaches here! Take a look at our therapy team HERE to see who you feel most connected with.
Counseling requires a plan of how to be better going forward. We must know two things: where you are now and where you came from. Maybe you’ve felt like you’ve done all you can to change how you feel and are scared things will always be this way- exhausting, stressful, worrisome, and unfulfilled. We will help you confront the tough stuff in your life. We build on strengths, find stuck points, and focus on changing you, not your situation. We work with people of all ages and specialize in treating trauma and anxiety and help them to get unstuck.
Most of our counselors use a cognitive lens with counseling, which is just a fancy way of saying we focus on changing your thoughts and feelings rather than your situation. Our counselors use approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy and internal family systems therapy. While most of what we do in counseling is talk, your counselor has been trained to use certain strategies and questions to get you thinking of yourself and your situation differently. Because after all, you can only control 3 things: your thoughts, your emotions and your actions.
Getting Started with Counseling is Easy
Send us a message below and someone from our team will get back to you via email in just a few hours . Even on nights, holidays and weekends! Guaranteed! At La Luz Counseling we understand that when you need help, you need it now, not just during traditional business hours. Please note: We do NOT accept insurance (find out why we don’t HERE). If we can’t help you, we promise to point you in the direction of someone who can!